
Live everyday to its fullest

This is my husband and what he gets to play with all day!

I bought some new bird feeders. They are great!
The birds like them.

What's happening - My husband and I had a great weekend. We out to dinner to one of our favorite restaurants - Ciccino's in Waterloo. Its a great Italian restaurant. We hadn't been there in a long time. Then we went to "The Walmart" bought new pillows and flannel sheets. We looked for the new Lady Antebellum CD, of course they didn't have it. That is really something that Walmart is lacking in - country music. Maybe the CD is not even out but Walmart's country section is very sparse. On Sunday I wake up with a terrible headache, which I kept for at least half the day. In the afternoon we went to Lucus winery (I realized my headache was gone), Glen and I both did wine tasting and bought 2 bottles. Glen said he actually liked all the wine he tasted! This would not have happened two years ago. I told him maybe he was developing a taste for it. It would be nice if we could sit and have a glass of wine together.

We got some bad news over the weekend. My daughter found out that her ex-boyfriend (the one right before the present love of her life) had died in a car accident on Fri. night. This was very upsetting for her. They had a lot of mutual friends so she had a lot of support. She is going to the calling hrs. and Funeral on Tues. and Wed. He was a Christian so there is no doubt in my mind that he is with God. Be at peace Ryan.

Knitting - Someone last week asked if I was still knitting because there were no pictures of knitting stuff. I am knitting like crazy. Its just that it is all for Christmas and people who read my blog can't see! After Christmas I will play catch up with all the knitting photos. Promise!

Books I have read - "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova, Great book. Very sad story about a Harvard Professor who gets Alzheimer's Disease. She was only 50 when she was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's.

"Made in the USA" by Billie Letts, I also really liked this book. I could easily tell it was by the same Author as "Where the Heart is" and not only because someone dies in "The Walmart" in the beginning., hahaha I love that! This was about a homeless teen and her brother trying to make it Las Vegas. Through drugs, rape, theft, beatings, porn, and handouts. They finally find a home and what they want in life. This was one book you were really hoping for a happy ending.

Contests - Dar at "Peeking Between the Pages" is giving away a copy of "After You" by Julie Buxbaum. This sounds like a really good book, sad.

Top 5 - If someone gave you $10.00 how would you spend it?
1. A book, of course!
2. Yarn (not very expensive yarn, or some on sale)
3. Coffee for my daughter, my hubby, and myself
4. Go to Micheal's and buy whatever is on sale
5. Save it for the next time someone gave me $10. then I would have $20.00!


  1. Wendy, I need your email address. Send it to fritzL234 AT yahoo DOT com

    thanks, ruth

  2. Great pictures.
    Are the new feeders squirrel proof?
    Sorry to hear about Ryan. Thats really sad. So young.
    Top 5:
    1] I would head for the mall and spend it there on something that I don't need.
    2] lunch
    3] knit n style mag
    4] earrings
    5] a cheap bottle of wine :)

  3. That is terrible about her ex-boyfriend. So sad.

    Cole saw the picture of your husband and came running over saying "dig dirt!" Your husband would have a great little helper!

  4. Yikes, it took me a second to find your hubby - that machine is huge!

  5. Sorry about your daughter getting such bad news. That's really horrible.

    Yum on the wine. I do love my wine and my Baileys in hot chocolate. lol.

    Thanks for mentioning my giveaway. Good luck - maybe you'll win.

    What would I spend $10.00 on:
    1. Definitely a book!
    2. Yarn
    3. Something for the dog.
    4. Coffee
    5. Lotto tickets

    Have a great week Wendy.

  6. I've always wanted to drive a big tractor - lol! When they were building our cabin - I kept begging the contractor to let me give it a whirl - no luck!
    Sorry to hear about your daughter's friend - so sad!!

    If someone gave me $10.00 I would buy:
    1. A book (like you!)
    2. A couple new rustic ornaments for my xmas tree this year!
    3. Bottle of red wine
    4. 2 pairs Fuzzy wool socks
    5. Treats for my doggy & kitty

  7. Sorry to hear about your daughter's friend - so sad!!

    If someone gave me $10.00 how would I spend it?
    1. Scrapbooking stuff!
    2.Go to AC moore and buy whatever is on sale
    3.Go to the $1 store and buy 9 things!
    5.some chocolate!

    I am working on Christmas stuff too but can't post it.:(

  8. The funeral was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I knew it was going to be hard but I didn't expect it to hurt so bad. I have never lost someone so suddenly and tragically. I was not prepared for this and when the reality of it hit me, it really hit me.

  9. That is terrible news Wendy. I am sorry for him.

    Nice that hubby liked the wine. Great shot of him with the Earth Mover.

    Happy Christmas knitting.

    Wow.... 10 bucks.. a book... yarn.. wine... lunch....coffee...save? probably not. ha..

    Happy day to you!
