And she looks so sweet too. "I didn't do anything, Mom"

This is a pair of sock I am knitting with yarn I got in Watkins Glen when my mom was here visiting. The color is awesome! It's like Sierra Mist. You can click on it to get a closer look at the pattern.

This is the "before" picture of the purse I knitted and felted.

So - The rules state that in order to accept this award, I need to list seven of my very favorite things. Then I may pass the award on to seven other bloggers!
My Seven Favorite Things -
1. Being with Family
2. Coffee on the porch
3. Pizza and Ice Cream... anywhere, anytime
4. Vacation
5. Being alone
6. Books and knitting
7. God and my faith
Seven other Blogs, hmmm... this will be hard.
1. Miss Flower Beautiful blog, beautiful pictures!
2. Chick Loves Lit Book reviews, and always lot of giveaways!
3. Chickens in the Road - this just might be the most beautiful and creative blog I have ever seen!
4. Melissa's Bookshelf - Another really beautiful blog with book reviews and lots more.
5. Peeking Between the Pages - Great book reviews, great give aways, nice blog.
6. Chick Lit is not Dead - The most Hilarious blog ever!!!!!!
7. The Yarnarian - Great knitting/yarn blog, she dyes and sells yarn and it is gorgeous!
What's happening - My husband went from working in PA to working in WV. He was home for 1 1/2 days. 3 days in PA and 4 days in WV. He is suppose to come home tonight. I have to admit that even though he is gone alot he really tries hard to make it up to when he gets home. He has to mow the yard both here and at the "barn property" but then he makes sure he spends time with me. We go out to breakfast, out to dinner, go for drives, go shopping, etc. Other wives have asked me how I can stand it and I tell them "If we had young children at home, or if he ignored me when he was home, or if we were jus newly married, it wouldn't work" But we make it work! I knew before he took the job that it would be like this and we did talk about it, he actually asked me if he should take it. And we both agreed that our marriage was strong enough to handle it.
Books I have read - "The Help" by Kathryn Stocket, Excellent book! Takes place in the early 60's in MS. This is about a young white woman who becomes interested in the plight of the black maids that every white family has working for them. She wants to "change things" but this is dangerous at this time in history. She begins to write their stories about the mistreatment, abuse and heartbreaks, all just before the Civil Rights revolution. The black women have to make a decision, take the chance and tell all and possibly be fired or worse, or just keep quiet and put up with it all.
Also read - "Welcome to the Departure Lounge: Adventures in Mothering Mother" by Meg Federico. This is a memoir of a woman who ends up taking care of her elderly and deranged mother. It is very funny and very sad. I would often laugh and then feel guilty because I realized I was laughing at her expense. But the book is written to be funny so I laughed along with her. Great book!
Contests - Dar at Peeking Between the Pages is giving away a copy of "A Worthy Legacy" by Tomi Akinyanmi. Looks like a great book (and has a great cover!).
Toni at A Circle of Books is giving away a copy of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer. This also looks like a great book!
Chick Loves Lit also has several giveaways.
My friend Erin Quinn has just finished her new book - Haunting Beauty. Check in at Quinn's Essentials to see a real nice trailer for it. Also she does contests at Erin Quinn Books and has some great prizes.
Top 5 - Swear words (that are not really swearing).
1. Oh crap!
2. Oh my word!
3. For Heaven's sake.
4. Just chill!
5. That really ticked me off!
*please no real swear words - I like to keep a clean blog.
Aw, thanks so much for the award, I really appreciate it! I'm glad you enjoy my blog :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd congrats on receiving the award, yourself!!
Thanks for the award. You're a sweetie.
ReplyDeleteRe: your hubs working away from home. this can really work well for you. You each have your own space, and then you come back together. Not a bad arrangement. Of course, you have no one to kill the bugs when he's not home, buy, hey, we all have to sacrifice something. giggle.
Hi Wendy, thanks for mentioning my book trailer on your site! That's so nice. Great pix as always. You're so talented. I tried knitting once. I got as far as buying the yarn. It was hopeless from there.
ReplyDeleteMy swear that's not really a swear (used most appropriately in traffic): Get out of my way you dill weed.
It feels satisfyingly curt when you say it, but in reality, it's not so bad. :-)
Your kitty is adorable!!!
ReplyDeleteAwww, thanks so much for the award. I really appreciate it and congrats on getting a well deserved award yourself.
ReplyDeleteYou can just tell Martina is mischievous by that look in her eyes. She's just beautiful. Love the sock pattern and color and the felted purse is just the cutest ever!
Thanks for posting my contest.
Let's see the swear words that aren't swearwords...
1. fiddlesticks
2. whatever!
3. give it a rest
4. crappers
5. up yours
I think that by having that "away" time it only makes your marriage stronger. You learn to appreciate each other's time more and it gives yourselves time to focus on "oneself" which many people don't do once they become married. Being your own individual is just as important as being a team in a marriage!
ReplyDeleteMy "swear word" I use often:
"Holy Canolli's"
Martina did that when we were there. So funny!
ReplyDeleteNice purse. Lots of girls in my knitting group makes felted purses.
I remember you buying that yarn...It is working up beautiful. love the colors, very spring like.
Sometimes time away from each other is very good and works to bring people closer like with you and Glen. It gives you a chance to be you.
Sometimes I wish Ken would play more golf or go fishing more:-)
I need more time by my self. I have never been afraid to spend time by myself in fact I like it too.
Top 5:
1) oh hell
2) shoot
3) crap
4) dam
5) jeeze
Thank you for the award. It means alot to both of us.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout out! xoxo
ReplyDeleteLiz and Lisa
Chick Lit is not Dead
Mom, I think its great that Dad can go away for days at a time and you stay strong and independent. I don't know if you know this, but it really helps me with my long distance relationship. As you know, when I don't go to see Micah for two weeks, I tend to start feeling discontented and lonely. But then when you mention that Dad is going away it kind of puts things in perspective for me. At least Micah is still in NY state.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being a strong example of what I want to be like.
Haha that is awesome that we gave the award to each other. Now I wish I had written a little about each blog like you have!
ReplyDeleteEvery time you post your knitting it makes me want to do fancy things with yarn. I have too many hobbies!
Hi Wendy:
ReplyDeleteThere is an award waiting for you at my blog:
I love the new purse with the pockets! And thanks again for mine! I really like it.
ReplyDeleteMy swear word i say alot:
Holy Moley!!
My favorite "swear" word is sugar jets.
ReplyDeleteEugene and I worked opposite shifts and opposite days off for most of our marriage so one of us would always be with the kids. Since we've retired sometimes we have too much togetherness.
I just decided to look around for some more blogs that interest me. Went to one other, and clicked on you from a comment you left there. Now not even sure what blog I was at. I do not even believe it. My blog is mostly about photography, but lately I have been knitting so much it is kinda getting in the way of my photography. I felted my first item couple of months ago, and have been looking at the thought of a felted purse. Yours is so cool looking.
ReplyDeleteThen I continue to read.....My husband is currently working 95miles from home M-F, and returns home on Friday evenings. My work is about half way between so I do go a couple of times during the week. But we don't work the same shift, so we don't benefit alot from that. The children are grown, but the grandchildren are just beginning, so he is missing so much with them because of it. His change was due to his plant moving, and he has too much time in to walk away from it, he has worked there his whole life, and too close to retirement. He also has 2 places to maintain, but one is the place close to his work. But home is 2 acres to take care of every weekend. He also is taking special care to be sure I don't feel left out.
I do plan on coming back on occasion to visit, although currently not blogging as much as usual.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Yes - my kitty moves around the dishes too - LOL! Your kitty is such a cutie! Love your knitting projects as usual!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite almost swear words:
1. I say "Oh sugar" as opposed to "Oh _hit!
2. Drats
3. Crap
4. Darn it
5. Shoot!
Your sock is looking quite nice!!
ReplyDeleteThe Christmas Trees are in the second Mason Dixon book, which I checked out of the library. :)
Swear words/non-verbals worth words also:
1. Bless his/her heart
2. AH shucks
3. Rolling of my eyes
4. Puckering of my lips
5. There was a saying I always used to say on the tennis court when playing...it was quite useful.But it has escaped my memory. If I wake up at 2 am and know it I will write it down and comment again. :)
Thank you for your kindness concerning Momo. I appreciate it.
Congrats on the award.
ReplyDeleteThe purse if FABULOUS!!
Love the pretty socks too.
Thanks for posting about my giveaway.. sheesh.. I am so behind..
uh... for the swear words.. well I will hold off.. I can go a long time without saying one.. but then .. wow.. I can get on a roll.... and well........