Pictures -
1. & 2. - My mom giving my daughter a make-over! (They both loved it!)
3. & 4. - The ankle socks I knitted for my mom. Look at all the little cables.
5. - Male and female Cardinal
6. & 7. - Male and female Rose Breasted Grossbeak (they have been coming almost everyday for a week now)
What's happening - My parents are here from TN. So far I have taken my mom to "Fingerlakes Fibers", a yarn shop in Watkins Glen and we went to Walmart on the way home, then went to one of our local wineries called "Americana Winery" I bought one bottle my mom bought three! Sat. night we went to my in-laws to celebrate my birthday. It was really nice! Was suppose to be my parents, husband's parents, our daughter, and us, but then I noticed two extra chairs... I was about to ask why the extra chairs when two of our best fiends showed up! That was a great surprise. We had great cake, ice cream, coffee, and presents, of course. On Tues. (my actual birthday) My mom and I are going shopping as soon as I deliver the kids to school. We usually go to the outlet mall, but my mom has not been shopping in Ithaca in years and Ithaca has changed so much! Then Tues. night My mom and Dad are taking us out to dinner. They will be staying till Thur. It is so great to have them here.
One of the little girls I watch informed me today that her mom is baking me a cake for my birthday! I asked her if was OK that she was telling me this, she said she was suppose to tell me. How nice! What great families my kids come from.
Knitting - So now I can tell you one of the things I have been working on, a pair of ankle socks for my mom (pictured above). These were really fun to make, and I know they look complicated but they were easy. Or I should say, they are easy if you are an experienced knitter and have done socks before. I love doing cables so these were fun. I think my mom loves them, she has been wearing them and they fit nice. When we went to the yarn store I bought two more things of sock yarn. One looks like a lemon/lime and the other is a pink and gray.
Contests - Jenn's bookshelf is having a HUGE giveaway to celebrate her 200th post!
WendyKnits (not me, a different Wendy!) is giving away some hand dyed yarn!!! It is beautiful!
Books I have read - I read Jodi Picoult's new book "Handle with Care" WOW what a great book! For those of you who have never read one of her books, you should! She is a great writer, I have read all her books. Handle with Care is really 3 stories in one. Six yr. old Willow was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone disease) these children can break bones bumping into things, even picking them up wrong. She will live her whole life in pain. The mom has to quit her job to take care of her full time. So money is short. The mom ends up suing the Dr. for "Wrongful birth" because they should have been able to tell when she was pregnant so she could make a choice it end the preg. or not, but she was given that choice too late. This is not about pro-choice or pro-life it is just that she should have been given that choice and she was not! The father does not agree with the lawsuit so this causes a strain on their marriage. Meanwhile her other daughter (13 yrs. old) feels invisible because of her sisters disability and the lawsuit and starts harming herself (I won't tell too much in case you read it). And their lawyer, who is adopted, is looking for her birth mother. So there is alot going on. The ending is - WOW! I very highly recommend it! And it took place in NH, so one more for my list.
Top 5 - Favorite colors (this one should be easy)
1. Purple! this has been my favorite color ever since I can remember.
2. Pink, don't purple and pink go great together?
3. Turquoise blue
4. Sage green
5. Maroon
Happy Birthday! My daughter turned 18 yesterday. It must be a month for celebrating!
ReplyDeleteTop 5 - Favorite colors (this one should be easy)
ReplyDelete1) olive green !!!!!!!!
2) forest green
3) magenta
4) light blue
5) Pink!
I wish I was there to see gram. I will be coming up on the 5th, maybe with josh, not sure yet if he's coming.
Happy Birthday to you!! Happy to hear that your parents are able to celebrate your day....
ReplyDeleteNow I voted for the vehicle poll....if I didn't have 3 dogs and 2 cats I would have a smaller more economical vehicle.
Very sweet and thoughtful neighbors you have. :)
Favorite color - I have one...Green
Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteLove my pink socks that you made me.
Having a great time here just wish it was warmer. 50's and 60's are cold to me. AND I have gained 3 lbs so far, not good!
Top 5: this is hard because I like colors, all colores.
1] all shades of browns/tans
2] dark red
Love, Mom
3] all shades of greens
4] yellow
5] periwinkle
now why did that happen? I really didn't put my name in the middle of my top 5.
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy birthday to you!! May all your dreams come true! Sounds like you have fun things planned with your mom - the winery is always a great place...ha,ha! Love those anklet socks you made too!
ReplyDeleteTop 5 Favorite Colors:
1.Hunter Green (reminds me of nature, pine trees)
2. Blue, (reminds me of lakes and oceans)
3. Burgundy (reminds me of wine!)
4. Ruby Red
5. Sage Green (like you!)
The socks are lovely!! The makeovers are FAAAAAbulous... and oh well the little birdies are a gift. Great blog post. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Birthday!!!! I hope it was fabulous.
ReplyDelete5 favorite colors:
navy blue
hunter green
deep burgundy