
Weekend in the Adirondacks

The winner of "Love on a Dime" is - 
Dar of "Peeking between the Pages" 
WHAT'S HAPPENING - We went to our cabin this past weekend for the long 4th of July weekend. It was the first time we have gone in a long time. I kept track of License Plates during our stay, here's what I saw - NY (of course), PA, IN, CA, KY, VA, ONTARIO, MI, MA, ME, AR, OH, DE, VT, NH, CT, and IA. Here's some pictures -

TV -  SYTYCD - Tap dancer goes home. The best Hip Hop routine I have ever seen! Great dances!

KNITTING -  I am back to working on my tank again. Maybe this time next week I will be finished???

BOOKS - Read "Hook Line and Sink Him" by Jackie Pilossoph. Great Chick-Lit book! Review and interview on Thur. along with a giveaway!

Don't forget my other giveaway - "Backseat Saints" by Joshilyn Jackson

Contests -
Dar from Peeking Between the Pages - "Free to a Good Home" by Eve Marie Mont
AND - "Sea Escape" by Lynne Griffen
Some fun giveaways from Kathryne Kennedy on Erin Quinn's Blog - HERE

TOP 5 - Favorite "Billy's"
1. Billy Currington
2. Billy Crystal
3. Billy Ray Cyrus
4. Billy Joel
5. Billy Squier


  1. Gorgeous!
    Thank you for sharing!

    I'm having the hardest time thinking of Billies.

  2. Beautiful pictures.
    I bet it was very relaxing.

    Congrats to Dar.

    Don't have a top 5 Billy..sorry


  3. Gorgeous photos! I've always wanted to visit the Adirondacks. I'm trying to think of my favorite Billy's - maybe Billy the kid? Ha!!

  4. Shelley! I was going to say Billy the Kid!!

  5. Yahooooooooooooooooo for me!!! I'm so excited! And pretty much on my birthday so kind of like a birthday present. lol.

    I loved that hip hop routine- wow it was awesome and even more awesome since it was accomplished so flawlessly by a ballet dancer.

    Ok, I don't have 5 favorite Billy's. I'm not even sure I have one. lol. Oh maybe - my uncle Billie.

  6. Congrats to DAR!!!! woo hoo

    Your photos look like ART... how very gorgeous. Awesome job!!

    Sending hellos your way.

    1. Billy Bob Thorton ?- (sling blade?)
    2. Billy don't be a hero?? ha ha 70's song.
    3. Three Billy Goats Gruff.
    4. William Hurt..someone must have called him Billy before...
    5. Billy Joe Mcallister... (jumped off the Talahasee bridge....Ode to Billy Joe..


  7. Those photos are lovely. Hope you had a relaxing time!

  8. I soooo miss the Adirondacks. We are hoping to get there in the fall this year if everything goes as planned! =)
