
The Christmas Season

Flashback - This was the first day we had Martina, three years ago. Look how little she was!

This is her today - This can't be comfortable.

Naked Tree waiting to be decorated.

What's happening - Getting ready for Christmas! I have the lights on my porch. I started getting stuff out of the attic (I hate that part). I put up the small tree in the playroom for the kids to decorate. I am starting to plan dinners, cookies and such. AND... I have even made out Christmas cards! Today I will mail them along with my gift for my "Holiday swap" person. I hope they like what I bought. It is really hard to buy for someone you don't even know. I have very little Christmas shopping left to do. I still need to pack up my parents gifts and send them on their way to TN.

I got a call from my husband's brother who lives in WI. He and his family will be here for a week or so during Christmas and they would like to come see us. It has been a very long time since we have seen them. He and his wife are very close to our age and we really get along well with them. Their youngest (son) will be coming too. He is in (hmm) maybe 9th grade??? haha not sure anymore. Anyway they (and my husband's parents) will be coming over Christmas evening! So I will be preparing a dinner, and maybe dessert.

I have no current snow pictures to post because there is NO snow! We are headed into the 2nd week in Dec., I live in upstate NY and have no snow. It is cold - only 23 this morning! I wore my heavy winter coat for the first time this season, that's how warm it has been. My mom said they got 2 inches in TN! Our friends in VA got 3 inches! No really I am not complaining. I hate snow and I hate the cold. I just want some snow pictures. I refuse to use last years pictures.

Knitting - Sorry, nothing new in the knitting dept.

Books I have read - Home Another Way - by Christa Parrish. I gave this 4 stars, but if it were not for the non-ending, I would have givin it 5. I loved this book. Loved the characters. I started liking this book on the second chapter! It ends very open ended, does she get the guy? Come on I have to know! I am a have to know kind of person when it comes to books.
Sarah graham has no money and is led to an incredibly small town of Jonah, New York where her father (whom she hates) has died and left her money and his cabin. She tries to claim her inheritance, but there is a catch - She must live in Jonah for six months before she can claim the money. Sarah understandably has some issues. The world has let her down and nobody loves her, or so she believes. Broke, homeless, and just recently divorced, the last thing Sarah wants to do is spend six months in an isolated mountain hamlet. Sarah is a real brat but the town tries to love her anyway and bring some God into her life. What she ends up gaining in this small town is so much more than money, surprising even her.

* I will be posting my first official book review (hopefully) on Thur or Fri. So come back and check it out! There will be nothing else on that post, just the book review and pictures. Great book too!

Contests - Dar at Peeking between the pages is giving away 2 copies of "Dragon House" by John Shors. This sounds like a wonderful book, check it out on her blog.

Top 5 - loves of Christmas!
1. Christmas music! Love it!
2. Decorating the tree
3. Shopping! I love shopping, so any excuse to go shopping is alright with me.
4. Getting to see all the family
5. Celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!



  1. I haven't put up any decorations yet. Like you, I lack the energy to drag them inside from the garage. Christmas used to be a fun time, but now I find that it is something I dread, and just want to get over with. No big family get-togethers, since my family is spread out, and my mom doesn't even realize what time of year it is....

    Enjoy your family time....it is something to be cherished. BTW, Martina is so darn cute! I love her little tufted feet!

  2. I love that second picture of Martina. Haha

  3. Martinez looks like she's doing yoga - so cute!! Looking forward to seeing your book review. I'm hoping to get some good photos of Scout in the snow at the cabin this weekend.

    Top 5 loves of Christmas
    1. Christmas music (like you)
    2. Decorating the tree (like you)
    3. Baking and making homemade gifts
    4. Getting together w/ family
    5. Going to midnight mass

  4. We have snow in NJ! I think we now have global confusion.

  5. Tell me when your planning on mailing Grandma and Grandpa's presents, you can mail mine with yours. I'm excited about Uncle Bruce and family. Its been a really long time since I've last seen them!

    Gabby came over to my place (for the first time) and she saw my big basket of yarn and she was like... you knit? So I took down my basket of hats, scarves, mittens and ponchos that you have made me and I said "No, mom knits! I crochet." And for the next ten minutes she was amazed with our accomplishments.

    5 favorite things about Christmas
    1. Christmas Music
    2. Seeing other houses decorated
    3. Decorating my place/tree
    4. Christmas cookies
    5. Spending it with friends and family.

  6. How much does Martina weigh now. She really has gotten big.
    Have I ever met Glens brother?....I muct have at your wedding but don't remember him. It will be nice to be able to spend sometime with them.
    I will mail your gifts out sometime this week, I'll let you know.
    Top 5:
    1] Lights
    2] Music
    3] The wonderful food
    4] Decorations
    5] Fudge

  7. Forgot to say how I really like your new winter header. it is pretty as long as I don't have to be in it!

  8. Oh my, Martina was tiny and oh so cute. It's amazing how fast they grow up. Too fast if you ask me.

    We haven't got the tree up or anything yet. Usually it's all done by Dec 1 but this year is just not going as planned.

    Top 5: lights, food, decorations, wrapping presents and like you, Celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    ps- can I please send you some of our snow cause we have way too much of it!

  9. Martina is a dolly now as she was then. Oh what a pretty girl. Sounds like you will have a great time with the relatives.

    I am going to dig out some decorations today 12/12.. uh... better late than never.

    Okay.. Christmas five..

    1. Music
    2. Lights and decorations
    3. Family
    4. Food
    5. The "Reason" for the season.
