
6:45 AM

Can't hardly keep my eyes open.
We had some oatmeal with my husband before he left for work.
It kinda revived me for a little bit.

940 pages so far!!! Woo hoo! I should make 1000 hopefully.

At 8:00 I will nap for a while. Then I will be back for my final Read-a-thon post.


  1. One hour to go!!! I'm here to cheer you to the finish line: go, go, go!

  2. Are you still up, or did 8:00 come earlier than planned? LOL. Either way, great job! I'm going to check out your daughter's blog-I love the title! So cool that you are read-a-thon-ing together too!

  3. Looks like you've done great in the read-a-thon! Happy Reading!

  4. wow, great job! I'll post a wrap up after I rest for a while.
