What's happening - I am babysitting again for a couple of days. I am glad they called me. I told all my parents that if they needed someone once in a while to call me, that I just couldn't do it every single day but a few days here and there is good.
We went up to our lake property on Sunday. Glen mowed the lawn, driveway and lake front. I cleaned out the camper and packed up all our stuff. So it is all ready to go if anyone wants it. We stopped over the neighbor's for a while before we left. They are very sad that we are selling. They are really nice people. They invited us up to stay in one of their little cabins for the night to hang with them one last time, kinda the last hurrah! So we will try to do that in a few weeks.
Glen has been going back and forth between getting home early (around 5:00-6:00) and very late (9:30 or so) but he has been home every night. He is really good about calling and telling me he is on his way home so I can make (or re-heat) dinner.
My niece and her baby came to visit from CT! Her husband couldn't come because he had to work - well I certainly understand about that! We love him though and did miss him. It was great seeing Paula and Emmah! I picked up my daughter and took everyone out for breakfast in Ithaca. I was so surprised how good baby Emmah was in the restaurant. She didn't fuss at all, just sat there and looked around. Very happy baby.
It has been hot and VERY humid here! You walk outside and feel like you are walking under water. The air is so thick it is almost hard to breath. The news person said the humidity should break soon... we'll see. I love sitting on the porch and drinking my coffee early in the morning but even that has not been enjoyable.
Knitting - Still working on the socks. I am always working on at least a couple knitting projects at a time because I easily get bored. My mother-in-law's birthday is coming up so I thought I would knit her a couple bookmarks.
Books I have read - Unspoken Fear by Morgan Hunter. Good book, very suspenseful. I thought I had it all figured out. I thought it was going to be predictable but I didn't care because I liked it. BUT... turns out I didn't have it figured out at all. LOL This took place in Delaware.
Also read - Heart Breaker by Karen Robards. If you are like me and choose books by the cover and the title. This one really surprised me, I would have never picked it based on the cover or the title. I do not care for romance books, and I thought this was a romance but I needed it for my Utah book so I read it anyway. Wow - it was full of adventure and excitement! I was on the edge of my seat all the way through. Only one graphic sex scene which you all know I don't like, so I just closed my eyes and read real fast (figure that one out). It also had some gory graphic scenes which I do like! LOL Two good books in a row. I have been really lucky with my state books, I haven't had to read too many that I didn't like.
Contests - Dar at Peeking Between the Pages has some giveaways, they are listed on the left of her blog. Toni at A Circle of Books has some giveaways that are also posted on the left on her blog. Shanyn at Chick Loves Lit still has some giveaways going on. Click on the word giveaways on the left on her blog. A Sea of Books has lots of giveaways listed on her blog.
Top 5 - Pet Peeves (my mom asked for this one!) I had a hard time with this one, I thought I had a lot of pet peeves but I couldn't think of any.
1. People who drive slow right in front of me! I am not an especially fast driver but please people, go the speed limit!
2. Dishes put in the dishwasher in the wrong place. Come on now, it is kinda like kindergarten putting the reds with the reds and the blues with the blues. But no! My husband will see bowls and put his bowl with the plates.
3. Leaving dirty dishes or soda cans or water bottles in the living room. Just take them to the kitchen!
4. Shoes left right in front of the door or in the middle of the walkway. Do you want me to fall and break my neck?
5. Glen leaving his overnight bag right in front of my dresser. Does this sound fair? He takes all his space and mine too! I usually just give it a good kick to get it out of the way.
Martina is so beautiful! Sounds like you are having a good week so far. It is hot and humid here too. I just stay inside as much as possible!
ReplyDeleteMy Top 5 Pet Peeves:
1. Leaving the recliner reclined when no one is in it. My husband is famous for doing this. He says he leaves it that way because one of our cats is usually laying on the foot part when he goes to bed. Well, anything to make the cat comfortable!
2. People pulling out in front of me while driving, then not speeding up. Duh. I can't believe how many people actually do this.
3. Leaving less than an inch of milk in the container without finishing it off. Again, my husband. I love him...but he drives me crazy.
5. People repeating what I say: For example; I answer a swtichboard here at work. When someone calls and asks for, say, Bill and I say "he is not in the office" they will say "he's not in the office" not really as a question, but affirming my answer. Drives me batty.
5. Ignoring messages on Facebook. I guess that we are all guilty of it...but...I really don't think I am. If someone messages me, I answer them back. There is nothing worse than being ignored.
Have a great day!!
It is soooo humid here too. And the Weather Channel has been horrible about predicting the weather - they claim mega storms one day and we get nothing, and today the high was supposed to be 80 but it's going to end up way hotter than that. Boo!
ReplyDeleteMartina is so cute.
ReplyDeleteBarb will like the bookmarker you made her. It is very beautiful.
Glad you guys had a good time with Paula and Emmah. Emmah is growing up fast.
Been hot and humid here too but them I do live in TN. DUH....
Top 5: I too had to think about 5 of these.....Wendy remember any of these????? (actully u were pretty good, it too is husbands)
1) dirty dishes left in the sink or living room. (the dishwasher is right next to the sink, they do know where the kitchen is)
2) beds that are left unmade(it takes less than 2 min to make a bed)
3) Clothes left on the floor of the bedroom. (put then in the laundry or hang them up)
4)Coats flopped over the sofa(hang them up)
5)people who get things out to use and don't put them back(If you get something out to use PUT IT BACK so that I don't have to go hunting for it because if I ask where it is, you can't remember where you left it)
WHEW! Glad I got that all off my chest!
Love Ya,
I just love when you post pics of Martina. She is so beautiful. I love the bookmark as well. I keep thinking I should knit or crochet myself one but the needles you have to use are so small for my fingers. Hope you're having a good week!
ReplyDeleteOmg.. that first picture of your baby girl is just award winning. She is such a pretty girl.
ReplyDeleteThe book mark is great. OH no.. now I want to make some. I am such a copy cat. :)
Pet Peeves:
1. People thinking that just because I have a cell phone that I want to talk on it. So they sort of get mad that I am outside gardening or working..like I should have it chained to me or something. Leave a message...get over it.. ha ha..
2. Dirty dishes ANYwhere but the sink. And I am sorry to say.. I don't like the 'water' glass left by the sink. We don't have a large family. Just get a new dang glass. I hate clutter.
3. Bad drivers. I will always allow someone to merge.. but don't cut me off with no blinker...so not fair..
4. People that talk loud on their cell phones in restaurants.
5. If you lounge on the sofa and mess up all the pillows.. that is so totally cool. How about when you get up and are done lounging, put the pillows the way you found them?
wow... that was like therapy.
Thanks and Happy Weekend.